
Thursday, 31 August 2017

Disciples characteristics

W.A.L.T...Identify the characteristics of the Community of Disciples

This week we were learning about the disciples this is my findings

This is my finished copy . 

Tuesday, 29 August 2017


Last week we were learning about the areas of a circle this is my learning .

NExt time i will add in more and make it tidy i liked finding out new information

Hurdle in the track

W.A.L.T... Understand hurdles on the track to the Kingdom of God that people may need to overcome in themselves.

n the track to the Kingdom of God that people may need to overcome in themselv

next time I will try harder to make my own drawings better . While doing this I enjoyed coming up with more examples and trying my hardest . 

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Different shapes and sizes

W.A.L.T ... Use word and pictures to convey our thoughts 

This week we were learning about freedom in our writing . We read a book called Dreams Of Freedom , This book has many authors as it had quotes from many inspiring people like the dalai lama , Anne Frank and Claire balding all of these quotes were about not being judged and being accepted we had to come up with our own picture and quote just like the  book .

  I like this because we all have different shapes and sizes and no-one should be judged for it . Next time I will add in more creativeness and will link it more to what we were learning about .

Thursday, 17 August 2017


W.A.L.T... Write full paragraphs and add in more compound and complex sentences in our writing .

Next time I will not trail off in my writing and will try to link everything together . I enjoyed Drawing a picture and thinking should I make it complex or simple .


The two girls stared at the wall wondering why it makes such a big effect on them.  When it is so simple . The black and white wall is so simple yet so complex . They go closer to the plaque and see that it was made by an accountant whose mother had just passed away due to stress. The artist said that some things need to be simple in life . The girl on the right called Delilah felt a certain chill as if she was supposed to be here looking at the painting , as if she needed to take everything from that plaque in and remember . The paintings were beautiful but messy , messy but simple .  The simplicity of the paintings make the world feel full . Even though she knew that the world was an empty hearted place when she looked at that painting she felt like there wasn’t war going on like there wasn’t children being forced to work in different countries , she felt like there was no sin in the world . Because she had this feeling she decided she had to meet up with the artist to ask her how she made her feel that way . so she went to her trusty sidekick ,the internet  . She was so surprised that the internet let out so much private information . She got her phone number her address and her full name .

The artist's name was “ coincidentally “ Delilah Rose Maye which was The same as her . It wasn’t until she looked at the address she noticed that it was her . She went to her mother's grave and asked for answers . But she heard silence . She then thought what if I painted it in my sleep . She went back to the gallery to investigate and what she found out is astonishing . The painting was admitted into the gallery the night she found out her mother had passed away . She then asked the owner f the art gallery if she could see security tapes of May 5 2017 because that was the day that she supposedly admitted the painting into the gallery . They said yes . On the camera to her surprise was a video of her Delilah rose maye giving the painting to the front desk in her Pajamas . She then went back home to test if her painting skills were as good as they are in the painting on the wall of the gallery . She got out her old easel and painting kit and gave it a go it wasn’t nearly as good or as symmetry as the other one. So from that day she vowed to only paint with her eyes closed .

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Colossians 1:18

W.A.L.T... identifying the many groups and individuals that make up the Body of Christ.

Next time I will add in more examples and follow the rubric more . I enjoyed playing around with these slides 

Thursday, 10 August 2017

How does climate change effect Tonga

W.A.L.T...Understand the impact climate change is having in parts of Tonga 

Next time I will add more pictures in my work . While doing this I enjoyed learning more about Tonga and the effects it has .

Petroleum what would we do without it ?

W.A.L.T ... Understand what could happen if we ran out of petroleum

This week we were writing about what would happen if we ran out of petrol tomorrow . While doing this I enjoyed learning about what could happen in the years to come . Next time I will try to stay on topic .

If the world ran out of petroleum we would not have many resources to live off especially not cars although this may make a big negative impact this could be a good thing.  We could help Sealife and help prevent future wars however we would have limited amounts of transport and plastic would no longer be around

Without plastic we could not do many things. When you watch television, use a computer, ride in a bus, train, or plane, you are using plastics. This is a funny thing because most people think that we don’t need plastic because we only use it for utensils and containers but realistically we use plastic for much more important things. We use plastic in our everyday lives and we don’t even know it . Did you know that there is even plastic in water it is a plastic called PVC and polyethylene, polyethylene is the most common plastic around . PVC is another type of plastic that is transformed into microscopic grains . Without plastic we could die . Plastic is a necessity and even plastic bags are better than anything we would possibly swap it out with. Paper bags are even worse for our environment than plastic because paper lasts longer in a landfill and plastic has a better carbon footprint than any other alternative.  Although plastic travels a long way before it decomposes it can also stay strong for things like cars .

Cars have plastic in them and on them how else would we get around. Did you know that a number of car parts are made using recycled plastics. If your car has plastic on the outside you are less likely to get a noticeable dent or a ding  also because plastic is lighter than most materials car manufacturers use plastic in a lot of their cars and that’s why today’s average light vehicle contains 332 pounds of plastics , that's 150 Kgs that mean that in a car with a full tank of petrol there would be 432 pounds of petrol in that car  alone, can you imagine not having cars around anymore ? we would have to establish a whole new purpose for roads or just eliminate them all together.

Whilst eliminating them we will eliminate harm to all sea life because there would be no toxic oil spills in the ocean and not as much plastic this would mean that we would have twice as much sea animals as we do now this is because we would not be killing the sea life which would give the animals time to reproduce and create more so that sea life doesn't plummet towards extinction as it is now . Did you know that there has been 20 animals extinct in the past 200 years that's a whole species we will never get back .

Throughout this i hope that you have learnt something new about sea life plastic and what could happen if we lost petrol in all of the world . There are some things that could make such a positive impact on us but some that make our whole life change .

Weather officer needed.

W.A.L.T ... Describe the qualities of someone who is an effective advocate for others .

This week we made a poster for a climate change weather officer in New Zealand I made my poster using a cool app called Piktochart.

Next time I will add in more reasons why we need these people and I will describe the qualities of the person better

Friday, 4 August 2017

The holy trinity


Climate change

W.A.L.T: Understanding that human actions are affecting our climate. 
While doing this I enjoyed making my own pictures. Next time I will add in more information instead of just one sentence.

God is a mystery

W.A.L.T: Recognise that the Christian tradition the reveals God a Trinity ... three persons, Identify images that the christian tradition has used to help people. Reflect on the mystery of the Trinity.  
while doing this i enjoyed learning more about the sign of the cross next time I will make my own pictures .

Where do socks go ?

This week we have been learning about legends and we had to come up with our own legends and use show not tell . I liked making pictures to go with it next time i will make the slides more interesting .